Many of them want to become a Hacker but they have no idea of what skills we must have to become one. "What skills do I need to be a good hacker????
As the hacker is among the most skilled information technology disciplines, it requires a wide knowledge of IT technologies and techniques. To truly be a great hacker, one must master many skills. Don't be discouraged if you don't have all the skills I list here, but rather use this list as a starting ground for what you need to study and master in the near future.
The Fundamental Skills
These are the basics that every hacker should know before even trying to hack. Once you have a good grasp on everything in this section, you can move into the intermediary level.Basic Computer Skills
1.Basic Computer Skills
It probably goes without saying that to become a hacker you need some basic computer skills. These skills go beyond the ability to create a Word document or cruise the Internet. You need to be able to use the command line in Windows, edit the registry, and set up your networking parameters.
Many of these basic skills can be acquired in a basic computer skills course like A+.
2.Networking Skills
You need to understand the basics of networking, such as the following.
- Subnetting
- IPv4
- IPv6
- Public v Private IP
- Routers and switches
- OSI model
- MAC addressing
As we are often exploiting these technologies, the better you understand how they work, the more successful you will be. Note that I did not write the two guides below, but they are very informative and cover some of the networking basics mentioned above.
Hacker Fundamentals: A Tale of Two Standards
The Everyman's Guide to How Network Packets Are Routed
3.Linux Skills
It is extremely critical to develop Linux skills to become a hacker. Nearly all the tools we use as a hacker are developed for Linux and Linux gives us capabilities that we don't have using Windows.
If you need to improve your Linux skills, or you're just getting started with Linux, check out my Linux series for beginners below.
Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker.
4.Wireshark and TCP-Dump
Wireshark is the most widely used sniffer/protocol analyzer, while tcpdump is a command line sniffer/protocol analyzer. Both can be extraordinarily useful in analyzing TCP/IP traffic and attacks.
An Intro to Wireshark and the OSI Model
Wireshark Filters for Wiretappers
You need to become proficient in using one of the virtualization software packages such as VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation. Ideally, you need a safe environment to practice your hacks before you take them out in the real world. A virtual environment provides you a safe environment to test and refine your hacks before going live with them.
6.Security Concepts and Technology
A good hacker understands security concepts and technologies. The only way to overcome the roadblocks established by the security admins is to be familiar with them. The hacker must understand such things as PKI (public key infrastructure), SSL (secure sockets layer), IDS (intrusion detection system), firewalls, etc.
The beginner hacker can acquire many of these skills in a basic security course such as Security+.
7.Wireless Technologies
In order to be able to hack wireless, you must first understand how it works. Things like the encryption algorithms (WEP, WPA, WPA2), the four-way handshake, and WPS. In addition, understanding such as things as the protocol for connection and authentication and the legal constraints on wireless technologies.
To get started, check out my guide below on getting started with wireless terms and technologies, then read our collection of Wi-Fi hacking guides for further information on each kind of encryption algorithms and for examples of how each hack works.
Getting Started with Wi-Fi Terms & Technologies
The Aspiring Hacker's Guide to Hacking Wi-Fi
The Intermediate Skills
This is where things get interesting, and where you really start to get a feel for your capabilities as a hacker. Knowing all of these will allow you to advance to more intuitive hacks where you are calling all the shots—not some other hacker.
Without scripting skills, the hacker will be relegated to using other hackers' tools. This limits your effectiveness. Every day a new tool is in existence loses effectiveness as security admins come up with defenses.
To develop your own unique tools, you will need to become proficient at least in one of the scripting languages including the BASH shell. These should include one of Perl, Python, or Ruby.
Perl Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker
Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1: BASH Basics
Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2: Conditional Statements
Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 3: Windows PowerShell
The Ultimate List of Hacking Scripts for Metasploit's Meterpreter
9.Data Skills
If you want to be able to proficiently hack databases, you will need to understand databases and how they work. This includes the SQL language. I would also recommend the mastery of one of the major DBMS's such SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL.
The Terms & Technologies You Need to Know Before Getting Started
Hunting for Microsoft's SQL Server
Cracking SQL Server Passwords & Owning the Server
Hacking MySQL Online Databases with Sqlmap
Extracting Data from Online Databases Using Sqlmap
10.Web Applications
Web applications are probably the most fertile ground for hackers in recent years. The more you understand how web applications work and the databases behind them, the more successful you will be. In addition, you will likely need to build your own website for phishing and other nefarious purposes.
How to Clone Any Website Using HTTrack
How to Redirect Traffic to a Fake Website
Although one doesn't need to be a cryptographer to be a good hacker, the more you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each cryptographic algorithm, the better the chances of defeating it. In addition, cryptography can used by the hacker to hide their activities and evade detection.
12.Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering enables you to open a piece of malware and re-build it with additional features and capabilities. Just like in software engineering, no one builds a new application from scratch. Nearly every new exploit or malware uses components from other existing malware.
In addition, reverse engineering enables the hacker to take an existing exploit and change its signature so that it can fly past IDS and AV detection.
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